Donate a gift of securities

Making a gift of securities is one of the most tax-effective ways to make a contribution to our Foundation.

You can completely eliminate capital gains tax by donating your securities instead of selling them, and then donating the cash. If you sell them first, 50% of the capital gain could be subject to income tax.

Qualifying securities include shares, bonds, warrants, options listed on a prescribed stock exchange, mutual fund shares/units, and segregated fund units.

Making a gift of securities is one of the most tax-effective ways to make a contribution to our Foundation.

You can completely eliminate capital gains tax by donating your securities instead of selling them, and then donating the cash. If you sell them first, 50% of the capital gain could be subject to income tax.

Qualifying securities include shares, bonds, warrants, options listed on a prescribed stock exchange, mutual fund shares/units, and segregated fund units.

How to give

Transferring your appreciated securities to Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island is easy. Please complete the step-by-step instructions using our gift of securities form and then give it to your broker to complete the transaction.

Gift of securities form download 

Transferring your appreciated securities to Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island is easy. Please complete the step-by-step instructions using our gift of securities form and then give it to your broker to complete the transaction.

Gift of securities form download 

We can help

We ask that you let us know when you’ve initiated a transfer as there can be a delay between your request to your broker and the donation arriving in our account. If we know of your intention, we can help facilitate the process.

If you or your advisor have questions about this, or any other type of gift and wish to discuss this in confidence, please contact Shelley Engelhardt, Legacy Giving Manager at or 250-940-4950 ext. 120

Note: The information on this page can help facilitate discussions between you and your advisor. It is not intended as legal or financial advice. We encourage you to consult a qualified professional.

We ask that you let us know when you’ve initiated a transfer as there can be a delay between your request to your broker and the donation arriving in our account. If we know of your intention, we can help facilitate the process.

If you or your advisor have questions about this, or any other type of gift and wish to discuss this in confidence, please contact Shelley Engelhardt, Legacy Giving Manager at or 250-940-4950 ext. 120

Note: The information on this page can help facilitate discussions between you and your advisor. It is not intended as legal or financial advice. We encourage you to consult a qualified professional.